Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Invisible Boundaries...

What did she want? What did she expect? He was right when he said that if she expected him to talk and behave in a specific manner, she might as well draw a picture, stick it on the wall and interact with that lifeless picture! He reminded her that he had a mind and heart of his own- that he existed beyond her imaginations and expectations- his thoughts and feelings could not be tethered to her whims.

She realized he was right. But then she could not make herself accept or like certain aspects of his behaviour while she loved particular traits in him- and he seemed so different at different times invoking contradictory responses within her- she was confused-

But him? He had no confusions, no dilemmas. For him things were simple- and uncomplicated- he could not see or understand beyond his feelings- he had no compunctions about rights or wrongs- He did not find it strange that Friendship could overstep its boundaries and stray into the terrirtory of Love. To him it seemed one of the most Natural culmination to their relationship.
He had no limits drawn for himself. He could not bring himself to stop abruptly at the point she dictated. He often wanted to stretch it a bit further-

So then was this relation incomplete? Or was it a farce? She did not know- but she knew that there was definitely some element which refused to stick to boundaries…some aspect which threatened to lurk beneath the surface- a lurking danger waiting to overwhelm her…where the invisible barriers wore thin and she had to be alert, wary, because she had to face herself at the end of the day…

And so they remained tottering on the rickety wall between definitions of relationships…


aria said...

This is one tricky juncture of the man-woman relationships - definition n limits. Beautifully written – speaks not harshly of one sex but honestly of an oft-strained bond between men n women – Love!

Arundhati said...

Beautiful ... Ardra! Loved this piece.

And yeah :-) you are one prolific blogger! Great going girl.


shshukla said...

this was wonderful Ardra! -Shuchi

Vivek Sharma said...

Wow! Beautifully written. So true.

Lost in trance... said...

one fine line indeed...but then would drawing lines help?

Ardra said...

thanx aria, aruna, shuchi, vivek...
Lost in trance, again, what I feel is it would depend on what is at stake, how much - who all would be hurt etc...:-) relationships have a networking linking many other relationships- and each equation affects several others- no relationship exists in exclusivity...